
Typical combination of drugs

In Kono method, typical combination of drugs is called 'Happy set'.
This happy set is elicited through Dr. Kono's about 30-year clinical experience.   

Typical combination of drags.JPG

Every clinician has not to do trial‐and‐error treatment, but has to follow this happy set.
Patients with dementia are not Guinea pigs, and to be saved as human.

Conceptual feature of dementia [FTLD]

Understanding of conceptual feature, or spectrum of dementia is necessity for dementia treatment.
Simple type of dementia exists. However, it progresses other types as shown below.

LPC(Lewy-Pick Complex) includes the overlapping syndromes of FTLD and DLB.
DLB includes the overlapping syndromes of ATD and PD.
CBD or PSP includes the overlapping syndromes of FTLD and PD.


It's a keyhole medication. [FTLD]

General recommended amount of chlorpromazine is 30 to 100 mg/day. Especially in antipsychotic medication, chlorpromazine of 50 to 450mg/day is prescribed.
Needless to say, the elderly patients should not take such amount of chlorpromazine. Of course, other drugs, too.

The Kono method shows the best choise for BPSD of FTLD.

Keyhole medication.JPG

Family-balance method
In case of chlorpromazine, through Dr.Kono's thousands of clinical experiences, it is practical that most effective amount is 10 to 15mg.  However, a patient individually requires further more adjustment.

Letting caregiver or family to adjust the dosage of psychotropic medications without consultation of the doctors to fit the symptoms of the patients as needed.

Family-balance method.JPG

Difference between ATD and FTLD [FTLD]

How to identify ATD( Alzheimer's type disease) and FTLD(semantic dementia, Progressive nonfluent aphasia,frontotemporal dementia ) is shown below flowchart. These dementia show same symptoms, and should be correctly diagnosed and prescribed.

Difference between ATD and FTLD.JPG

Ordinary person
At first impression, a person is very normal and seems to have no dementia symptom.

Patch things up for the moment
・As talking with a person, he/she talks inconsistent contents.
・What he/she said before is different from what he/she says now.

No abnormal behavior
A person behaves with well grown‐up manners. He/she has social manner.

Abnormal behavior (social disinhibition)
A person dose what described below,
・Not doing(following) as suggested 
・Going one's (own) way without thinking about others or  situation
・Lacking of social manner or common sense.

Pick's disease tends to be wrongly diagnosed with ATD, and prescribed Aricept(donepezil).  As a worst result, patients with Pick's disease become violent or do antisocial behavior, because of Aricept.
At an early stage, if at all possible, diagnose correctly Pick's disease and stop taking Aricept.

Even I, not a doctor, can find out this worst prescription. These kinds of medical malpractice can be seen around Japan.

Kono method typical prescription:
 Chlorpromazine(4+6mg) + ferulic acid(Feru-guard 100M) 

Strategy for FTLD treatment [FTLD]

There is no specific treatment for FTLD. Such description is easily found.
At present, FTLD can not be cured completely. However, symptoms of FTLD can be treated.
In some cases, core symptoms might be treated by Kono Method, although brain atrophy progresses can not be treated.

Strategy for FTLD treatment.JPG

At first phase, dose drug of moderation type and suppress(or calm down)  the BPSD.

Although most of those are conventional drugs for schizophrenia treatment, chlorpromazine is the best choice for FTLD treatment through Dr.Kono's thousands of clinical experiences.
This medical prescription can not be found on internet, nor on  monographs. It is very unfortunate for FTLD patients.

And, at second phase, dose drug of core type to treat the core symptoms.
Galantamine hydrobromide
Memantine hydrochloride

Those are drugs for others types of dementia.
