
Difference between ATD and FTLD [FTLD]

How to identify ATD( Alzheimer's type disease) and FTLD(semantic dementia, Progressive nonfluent aphasia,frontotemporal dementia ) is shown below flowchart. These dementia show same symptoms, and should be correctly diagnosed and prescribed.

Difference between ATD and FTLD.JPG

Ordinary person
At first impression, a person is very normal and seems to have no dementia symptom.

Patch things up for the moment
・As talking with a person, he/she talks inconsistent contents.
・What he/she said before is different from what he/she says now.

No abnormal behavior
A person behaves with well grown‐up manners. He/she has social manner.

Abnormal behavior (social disinhibition)
A person dose what described below,
・Not doing(following) as suggested 
・Going one's (own) way without thinking about others or  situation
・Lacking of social manner or common sense.

Pick's disease tends to be wrongly diagnosed with ATD, and prescribed Aricept(donepezil).  As a worst result, patients with Pick's disease become violent or do antisocial behavior, because of Aricept.
At an early stage, if at all possible, diagnose correctly Pick's disease and stop taking Aricept.

Even I, not a doctor, can find out this worst prescription. These kinds of medical malpractice can be seen around Japan.

Kono method typical prescription:
 Chlorpromazine(4+6mg) + ferulic acid(Feru-guard 100M) 

Strategy for FTLD tr..It's a keyhole medic.. ブログトップ
